Listen VPN connection in Android

October 20, 2023


The reason

I found that my VPN app has a bug that when disconnecting the VPN from settings (Network & internet -> VPN), my VpnService wouldn’t be killed.

Finally, I got the cause, it’s because the VpnService.onRevoke() was not called when the VPN was killed from settings.

So I was thinking, is there any way to listen VPN connection in Android?

Here is what I got:

Listen VPN connection using ConnectivityManager

Close the VPN connection when onLost was called.

// In VpnService

// Callback
private val networkCallback = object : NetworkCallback() {
    override fun onAvailable(network: Network) {
        Log.i("Network onAvailable: ")

    override fun onLost(network: Network) {
        Log.i("Network onLost: ")
        // Do something to stop VPN 

// Start listen VPN connection
override fun onCreate() {
    val request = NetworkRequest.Builder()

        .registerNetworkCallback(request, networkCallback)

// Stop listen VPN connection
override fun onDestroy() {

Call onRevoke when onTransact was triggered in Binder

Also, I can use onTransact to close the VPN connection when users disconnect the VPN from settings.

I’m using a customized Binder for communicating to my VpnService, it will trigger the onTransact when the VPN was killed from settings.

override fun onTransact(code: Int, data: Parcel, reply: Parcel?, flags: Int): Boolean {
    if (code == IBinder.LAST_CALL_TRANSACTION) {
        return true
    return super.onTransact(code, data, reply, flags)


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